Babies Mean Big Dollars for Innovative Brands

Baby products could be the biggest opportunity in 2015 for marketers. As new parents enter the crazy world of all things baby, their purchasing power is huge. Many want the best for their kids and in their perspective, that means buying new and buying the best.
Let’s look at the data on spending. According to Baby Center, new parents can shell out upward of $5,000 on baby products before the baby is even born. Pair this with the costs of raising a baby in the first year – $10,000 and up – and you can see the enormous marketing opportunity.
The problem with many products for babies, however, is they aren’t as technologically advanced as other industries. To give context, video monitors, one of the most tech-savvy baby products on the market, is relatively new.
So, this represents two marketing opportunities: tap into new parents’ purchasing power and introduce more baby tech innovations that actually help with the hard job of raising a child.
Enter Sproutling, a brand new product that has found a way to do both. It’s a tiny monitor that straps to a baby like a bracelet or ankle band and communicates baby’s signals to parents’ smart phones, using a series of data points that are continually being analyzed. Is baby kicking frantically upon waking up? Sproutling might signify that your baby is ready to eat. Is baby’s temperature rising? Sproutling will report that too, in real time.
Sproutling is innovative in several ways. First, it allows parents a no-nonsense way to keep tabs on their baby while sleeping through the convenience of their phone. Second, it’s intuitive to the point that it can predict things like sleep patterns, allowing for new moms and dads to better plan. And lastly, given that knowledge is power, parents can gain a newfound sense of confidence with Sproutling’s insights.
Tech companies specializing in baby products like Sproutling will thrive if they can innovate, ease concerns and make parents’ lives easier. And, of course, effectively tap into that big spending power. If this is done correctly, we as consumers will see many more baby tech inventions come to market over the next few years.
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