Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down for Facebook’s Latest Feature

October 6th, 2015
October 6th, 2015
Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down for Facebook’s Latest Feature featured image

As you’ve probably heard by now, Facebook is working to roll out a new feature that will enable users to express emotion beyond the “like” button the platform is so famous for.

According to Zuckerberg, Facebook is aiming to give people options when it comes to engaging with posts. The reasoning? Not every moment is a good moment. It makes sense because sometimes it feels just plain weird to hit “like” on sad news, right?

While the new button won’t exactly be a “dislike” button, it will give people the chance to express what they’re feeling through a simple click instead of commenting. Whether it’s good or bad, the new button will undoubtedly have an impact on brands, and subsequently marketing and public relations professionals.

Check out the video below to see what some of our Worldcom partners (and one of our very own) think about the latest feature and be sure to share your take with us in the comments below.

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