Four travel predictions for summer 2023

It’s been an unpredictable and chaotic couple of years for the travel and tourism industry, but our predictions for summer 2023 all center around the word more. More travelers, more planning, and more spending, and all-around more intentional vacation experiences.
More travelers are taking more trips
Subsiding pandemic worries and the return of traditional summer vacations has positioned summer 2023 as an epic one for travel. And not only are more people traveling, but they’re also taking more trips. According to an October 2022 survey, 61 percent of the 4,000 Americans polled said they’re likely to take more vacations in 2023 than they did in 2022. Why shouldn’t they visit your destination?
Travelers are excited. They’re planning trips, and they’re hungry for ideas. Hospitality and tourism businesses have an opportunity to attract visitors, both old and new. There’s a bit of an “if you build it, they will come” mentality. Make sure your destination is top of mind as they plan their trips.
Travelers are planning ahead again
Booking windows are (thankfully) expanding. The last-minute travel habits that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic have finally returned to behaviors more typical of 2019 travel. In fact, an American Express Travel survey conducted last fall found that 50 percent of respondents were already thinking about where to go in summer 2023, and Virtuoso reported that travelers are, on average, booking trips farther ahead in 2023 than they did back in 2019.
This shift presents an opportunity to deepen your relationship with travelers. You have more time to make your communication more relational than simply transactional. Sustain traveler excitement and interest over a longer time span with consistent messages over multiple touchpoints. Drop bread crumbs previewing their experience before their trip, and then deliver on it when they arrive.
Travelers are willing—and planning—to spend more
Travel has moved from discretionary spending to essential spending for many people. Even as inflation hits everyone’s bottom line, it’s not enough to deter summer travel plans. The US Travel Foundation forecasted an increase in travel spending in 2023 compared to 2022—and 2019. Furthermore, an Expedia study found that 80 percent of survey respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 are willing to pay to upgrade their experience.
Travelers are going all out to make the most of their vacations. They’re staying longer and spending more, which means you can keep them on your property longer—whether an extra hour or an extra day. That incremental revenue has a huge impact. Now’s the time to look for ways to expand on the experiences you offer to accommodate eager visitors.
Experiences are the top priority
Almost all travelers want to spend at least part of their summer 2023 travel experiencing new or unique activities. They want their carefully crafted experience to be special. Notably, GetYourGuide found that 90 percent of survey respondents want to experience a destination “like a local,” and two-thirds of millennial respondents specifically worry about having an authentic experience.
Now is the time to showcase your destination’s unique offerings and niche experiences. Travelers are looking for authenticity in whatever it is you have to offer. Lean into your specialized strengths rather than trying to create universal experiences. Remember, when you try to be something for everyone, you end up being nothing to anyone.
Capitalize on booming summer travel
Appetite for travel is fierce, and no matter what travelers are looking for, they’re going to find it. Off Madison Ave specializes in answering the question, “Where to next?” Then, we simply point them in the best possible direction: yours. Contact us to talk about your destination marketing efforts.
The best results come from working together.
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