Media Relations 101: Working with Media During COVID-19

August 31st, 2020
August 31st, 2020
Media Relations 101: Working with Media During COVID-19 featured image

As a public relations professional, you’re always thinking outside the box in order to craft an eye-catching and relevant pitch. From announcing a new service, sharing client wins or the release of a new product, you are tasked with tailoring your pitch perfectly down to the last detail.

It’s never easy to gain the attention of the right media outlets. However, when you’re dealing with a pandemic, global economic crisis and a politically heavy atmosphere, it’s easy to lose sight of how to get your voice heard among the current headlines. But, it’s still possible to get your client’s story told with the right approach. Here are some tips for PR pros:

Keep aware of the current climate.

Give thought into how your pitch or announcement relates to the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are showcasing a specific tour, service or event, make sure to note the type of safety precautions being followed. Are you promoting a virtual opportunity where all can participate safely? Understand the sensitivity of the current situation and craft a pitch that is in tune with ongoing news. You’re likely to get less pushback as journalists will be more open to considering your story idea.

Take reality into account.

Thousands have lost jobs due to current economic hardships. If you are pushing a new product, ask yourself if it is something you could see others benefiting from. Is your service safe and of use to others? Does a certain percentage of profits fund a good cause? Frame your media outreach efforts through the lens of someone who might not be motivated to purchase anything that is not necessary or adds value to their day-to-day lives. This can also help mitigate questions of relevancy in today’s news cycle.

Ignite new ideas.

Now is the time to consider a fresh perspective for your client. Are you sitting on an inspiring human interest story? Is your client giving back to the community, or are they providing useful tips for the general public? For example, if your client is involved in the fitness industry, they could potentially speak to best practices for working out at home or providing virtual workouts. While navigating the pandemic, audiences are looking for transparent, positive and—above all—useful information.

Be direct but mindful.

Demonstrate professional and courteous demeanor while working with journalists. While this behavior should always be the standard, it is important now more than ever. Newsrooms continue to get smaller and smaller, so it’s more than likely that the right media contact for your story is swamped with multiple bylines or interviews. Be direct in your communications, get straight to the point and make a checklist of all the information you need before you make any calls. You’ve got one shot to grab a journalist’s attention, so don’t waste their time or yours!

PR pros can rely on these tips to earn successful media segments on behalf of clients while sharing authentic story ideas. Do you have any advice for media relations best practices during this time? Comment below!

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