New Year, New Goals

January 11th, 2016
January 11th, 2016
New Year, New Goals featured image

Ahh, ‘tis the season of New Year’s resolutions. By now, it’s probably safe to say nearly half of those tweeting “new year, new me” have already given up on eating fewer gourmet tacos and fancy donuts.

Here at Off Madison Ave we believe in goals, because resolution sounds so cliché. Plus, as ambitious agency folk, we like to be able to measure our successes, misses and opportunities. Below are some of our 2016 goals – a healthy mix of lofty professional aspirations and regular ole’ lifestyle improvements.

My goal for 2016? To create goals for 2016. Technically, I suppose I’ve just reached my goal by doing that. It’s like goal inception. WHERE’S MY CONSTANT?! -Sara Arnold, Copywriter

In 2016, I would like to help our clients harness their ability to execute better mobile engagements at the customer experiential level. -Roger Hurni, Managing Partner, Chief Creative Officer

I have two. One professional and one personal. The first is long overdue and that is to complete my Google Analytics and Google AdWords certifications. The other, to simply drink more water and less Red Bull 😉 -Christina Guenther, Social Media Strategist

10,000 miles on Strava. -Benn Galloway, Creative Director

I’m resolved to pushing ourselves to test new channels and expand our native approaches, while challenging our clients to think differently on how to promote their brands digitally. -Patrick Murphy, Director of Media Services & LA Market Manager

I’m determined to check some adventures off my list. As an Arizona native, I’ve still never been to Horseshoe Bend or Antelope Canyon. -Cara Pritulsky, PR Account Coordinator

I’d like to read more books! -Jackie Mossay, Client Services Account Manager

As we start off our second week of 2016, we could not be more excited for what is to come. From all of us at Off Madison Ave, here’s to a successful new year!

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