As a public relations professional, what’s better than getting the inside scoop on how editors, producers and senior correspondents like to be pitched? Sitting down face-to-face and having the opportunity to start building a relationship.
This past week, Business Wire held a media roundtable that provided local PR professionals the chance to get to know a few members of the Phoenix media. Here are a few tips on how to gain the attention of the local media and deliver a pitch that won’t be missed.
ABC 15
Be fast and furious. Have a relevant story angle for viewers? Pitch it!
What typically works? Watch the newscasts for relevant story ideas and then pitch the right producer. Knowing that the 6:30 p.m. producer is looking for a story that has yet to air or that the 10 p.m. producer may call on your source for a nighttime interview can be the difference between getting coverage or not.
Arizona Capitol Times
Individualized subject lines really resonate when it comes to reporters at this publication. Don’t be afraid to call the editor and meet to discuss potential story ideas over a cup of coffee.
Chances are you won’t catch an editor on a Thursday morning because this publication goes out on Fridays. Keep in mind this team plans a week ahead, so get their attention before Tuesday if you are hoping for timely coverage.
Cronkite News/Arizona PBS
Understand that you’re working with students who have to pitch their story ideas to senior journalists. They want to hear new and fresh angles on technology, public policy, business and education.
Insider tip: these reporters love to travel outside of Maricopa County, but give them a good two weeks to figure out transportation and who is available to cover the story.
Be well versed on your client’s business and what might peak the listeners interest. Bullet points are great, but once you’ve gained their attention, these reporters want to fully understand the story and the people behind it. Oftentimes, people are captivated by other people like them, rather than just the business.
Looking to secure an on-air interview? Try pitching “The Show,” which just expanded and is looking for interview segments.
Phoenix Business Journal
As the only Arizona publication solely focused on business, you can imagine how many pitches these five reporters receive on a daily basis. If your story isn’t hyper focused on local business, move on to another outlet on the media list.
What gains these reporters’ attention quickly?
- Exclusives
- Breaking news
- A pitch from a familiar name
Where Scottsdale
This is a magazine that works eight weeks out. If you don’t have that kind of lead time, pitch a story for the weekly newsletter, which always has one feature story.
Keep in mind that the magazine is also expanding digitally and is seeking to publish more content online. Don’t spend time looking for who to pitch. Everything, I mean everything, goes through Michelle Glicksman, the editor-in-chief.
Have any Phoenix market pitching tips to add? Share with us in the comment section.