Every behavior is equal to your motivation, ability and a prompt all occurring at the same time. If you want to create a sustainable change then design a behavior around those three elements. Here are a few examples to follow.
Let’s say you want to be healthier. Of course, drinking more water will help. Start with a declarative statement about the behavior you want to see happen such as, “I will drink four ounces of water after I’ve gone to the bathroom.” Let’s assume you have enough motivation to want to do this. You will also need to make sure you have the ability. In this case, it’s having access to water after you use the restroom. Maybe you purchase a reusable water bottle, fill it and carry it everywhere with you. Next, it is important to note that the prompt itself is going to the bathroom. This is the associated behavior which will help prompt you to act and drink more water. Now, I recognize this particular example can be a bit of a vicious cycle, but I think you get the idea.
Say you are trying to learn a new language as I am. My behavior statement is this: I will learn one word of Spanish every day during the work week. I love languages, so my motivation to learn a new word is very high. I have the ability to read and I have access to a Spanish dictionary. In this case, my prompt is to place my Spanish dictionary on my desk where my computer normally goes. I must physically pick up the book and move it so I can put down my computer and work. This strategy has proven very effective for me.
You will also see success by removing a prompt if your intended behavior is to stop doing something. If you want to drink less soda, you can remove the prompt of having soda easily accessible in your refrigerator by simply not buying it at the grocery store. Of course, you may still drink soda when you go out to a restaurant, but the removal of this prompt in your home will significantly reduce the amount of soda you drink.
Remember this: A behavior pattern is easier to change when you are very specific about a certain behavior. This requires you to write a clear statement about yourself, or in marketing about your audience, and detail the performance of a targeted action during a certain time or context. Make sure it is a behavior you or the audience wants to perform. Make sure you or the audience have the ability to perform the behavior. Finally, create a prompt that is associated with that behavior. Success can be that simple.
If you want to apply a behavior design approach to your work, reach out to me at roger.hurni@offmadisonave.com and I will gladly schedule a 15 minute session to discuss how you can take action to make the changes which will lead to the outcomes you desire.