The Valley Publicity Summit, presented by the Phoenix chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, is an annual event designed to bring journalists and public relations professionals together to build stronger relationships. Networking, panel discussions and speed pitching sessions are all part of this enlightening media morning.
Overall, it’s a great way to receive a wealth of advice on pitching preferences from the people fielding them on a daily basis. Below are a few tips directly from some of the biggest media outlets in Phoenix on how to pique their interest.
ABC 15
Video is king. Have an upcoming event? Film a sneak peek to include with your pitch. And don’t be afraid to pick up the phone. Calling to let them know you’ve sent in a video goes a long way in making sure that email is opened.
Also, don’t forget about the digital team. While your story might not be the right fit for television, it could be perfect for ABC 15 online.
Cronkite News/Arizona PBS
The early bird wins here. Since the reporters are still in school, the earlier the pitch is received by the content director, the more time there is to review it before deciding whether to offer it to students.
The next generation of reporters are currently building their resumes at Cronkite News. This allows for students to travel outside of the Valley to obtain reporting experience — a luxury no longer given to many newsrooms. If your story takes place outside of the Phoenix area, this is a good outlet to pitch.
Fox 10
Keep social media performance top of mind for this network. Before covering a story, the Fox 10 team considers how well your story will be received on its social platforms.
When’s the best time to send your story ideas? Any time between Wednesday and Friday, as the beginning of the week is too hectic for pitches to be read.
Phoenix Business Journal
This niche newspaper is always looking for success stories, highlighting the impact of businesses and behind-the-scenes looks at companies in the Valley.
Exclusives are vastly important to the Phoenix Business Journal and are one of the best ways to get noticed. When pitching an exclusive, be sure to set a deadline so the reporter can let you know whether it’s something they’ll be able to commit to.
12 News
Early morning pitches are best, ideally before 9 a.m.
The art of finding the story is highly valued here. Looking for a way to get noticed? Create a Facebook event. This works well as producers scour Facebook on a daily basis to find stories for their audience.
What pitching tactics have worked well for you? Share them in the comments!